Within the realm of psychic abilities, there are four predominant clairs (from the French word meaning “clear”) that categorize how and in what way our intuition works through us. Clairvoyance translates to “clear seeing” and refers to one’s ability to see clearly by way of the third eye. Out of all of the clairs, clairvoyance is considered to be the lead singer of the band, the one with the best PR that the majority of people wish to cultivate the most- and why wouldn’t they? Let’s consider any work of fiction that has someone with psychic abilities at its center, whether it be films, television, or books- most of the time said psychic character is able to see things that others around them cannot (visions, spirits, hidden elements or patterns, etc.) In theory, it’s a flashy, powerful, and transformational ability that is held by the great prophets of the past and seers of the future. In reality, it is also all of those things…but let’s consider the more scholastic points of clairvoyance and how we can utilize it in more practical ways.

While it is true that most will have natural affinities for one or more of the clairs, it is also true that with practice and patience, one can develop all of the clairs equally as well. In terms of clairvoyance and the third eye it relates to, the best way to begin cultivating it is by casting yourself in the role of Sherlock Holmes and PAY ATTENTION. Notice everything. Leave no detail, big or small, un-turned! You can begin this by tuning into your given environment- say your co-worker for instance. What colors are they wearing? How is their hair styled? Are their clothes wrinkled? How are those cuticles looking? A less possibly creepy alternative could be doing the same while walking in nature- what birds do you see? What patterns are on their feathers? Any trash cans? Etc. The more you do this regularly, the more you’ll become attuned to the subtle differences that take place in your visual environment on a day to day basis- again, the more you notice, the more you will cultivate your ability to see clairvoyantly. Think of it as the equivalent of taking your third eye to the gym.

Next, once you’re feeling proficient using your outward visual senses, it’s time to turn your sight inwards through the practice of meditation. It’s essentially the same as noticing your external environment, except you’re turning your attention inwards towards yourself. What can be helpful is imagining your third eye as it rests in the center of your forehead, opening up and activating. Then, simply notice what’s there. Initially, don’t worry about any every day thought clutter that may arise (remembering to pick up the dry cleaning, if there’s any laundry detergent left, etc) as these thoughts are natural. Don’t judge them or wish them away, simply notice them. In my experience, its when we fight the thoughts that want to arise that makes them take a stronger foothold. So again, simply allow and observe. The more regularly you can make time to do just that- sit quietly whilst turning your attention inwards, the more your typical mental traffic will subside, and gradually- images, impressions, and insights will begin to appear. And trust me on this, you will absolutely know the difference- you will get to a point where the images you see don’t seemingly have a connection to your day to day experiences, but rather like you’re watching a film unfold before you that you’ve never seen before. This is the fun part. In the beginning, its not necessary (and can even be hindering) to try and interpret what you’re seeing- simply enjoy the ride and take in the view. It’s also a deeply satisfying & validating when you begin to notice the visions that appear in meditation begin to pop up in the form of synchronicities as you go about your day (for example, seeing a red cardinal in meditation and then having an image of a cardinal appear in your social media feed.) Moments such as these will serve as a “high five” from your third eye that you’re tuned in during your practice- which in turn, results in more confidence in your clairvoyance and the more you’ll grow from there. Just like with physical exercise, the more regularly you work with your third eye, the more it will work for you- and in time, you’ll be able to begin meditation with an issue that you’re seeking clarity around- and receive visual symbols that give you the clarity you seek. Ultimately, that is what clairvoyance and psychic abilities are for- to help us gain access to the infinite knowledge that exists within us if only we willingly and consistently put in the work. So, how do you master your third eye? What works and doesn’t work? Comment below and give me the T! Blessed Be & Happy Seeing!

Note: Another great way to practice visualization is through guided meditation- and on the days where I’m experiencing higher than average mental debris I find it to be a true life savor. My personal favorite is Steven D. Farmer’s Power Animal meditation available on Spotify and Itunes via HayHouse radio.

*Photo courtesy of Boadicea’s Tarot of Earthly Delights by Paula Millet